Carifree Helps Patients Become Cavity-Free for Life
Carifree offers a testing kit, along with a three month treatment that seeks to achieve a comprehensive arrest of decay on all available surfaces of the tooth. Their 2-part system tests for the presence of high acid-producing bacteria which causes decay, and provides a 3 month treatment to achieve a healthy oral flora, raise pH, and maintain an oral environment that prevents decay.
In this segment, the science behind CariFree is discussed in more depth, with an explanation of the kit and how to administer it in your practice.
Run Time: 9 minutes, 43 seconds
This segment is a video of a presentation which shows more of the science behind Carifree’s products.
Run Time: 5 minutes, 44 seconds
Partial Transcript – See Videos for Full Information
Carifree Helps Your Dental Patients Become Caries Free
“Dr. Mike Milligan: Okay Chris Moriarty of Carifree here. Chris thanks so much for being with us. Tell us a little bit about what Carifree is and what it can do for patients and a little of the history and the system you have here.
Carifree Stops Tooth Decay By Changing the Oral Environment Which Contributes to Caries
Chris Moriarty: basically our goal is pretty simple. What Carifree wanted to do was basically promote and achieve a comprehensive arrest of decay on all available surfaces of the tooth. It sounds like a pretty simplistic goal in terms of a dental company. The way that we went out about it was different. Carifree basically developed a two-part system. The first part is running a very simple test for the patients to find out whether they have a predominance of high acid producing bacteria. It’s no secret in the professional world that bacteria are driving this problem but for patients often this is brand-new territory. Introducing that can be very valuable to understand why they’ve had some of the problems that they have. One of the patients that we work with put it very simply where she said that dentistry just doesn’t have these opportunities where we can demonstrate something very objected to the patient and show them a short term outcome. To perform the test its very simple and can be done in any state. Its a swab on 22 through 27 on the anterior lingual. It goes back inside our tube, we bend a top capsual, releasing a couple of reagents, goes in the top of the machine, snap the cap, hit the button, it countdowns from 15 seconds and you get your answer. Basically what we want in any patient at any point in time is 1% or less high acid producing bacteria making up that biofilm. What we know about that 1% is once we achieve that level that’s a healthy oral flora that’s we can expect that arrest of decay.”
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Phone: (866) 928-4445