May 3, 2017

Dr. Duane Keller Talks About the Effectiveness of Perio Protect on Oral and Systemic Health

Video Runtime - 6 minutes, 13 seconds

Dr. Duane Keller, the inventor of Perio Protect, shows moderate gum disease is an open bleeding wound the size of the palm of your hand through which people grind bacteria into their blood stream every time they eat. By treating only gum disease, 29 of 32 people after 14 days had their systemic inflammatory markers return to NORMAL! Studies show Perio Protect kills nearly 100% of the pathogenic bacteria, while leaving the good bacteria intact that you find in healthy gum tissue. Perio Protect is an extremely effective therapy for people with many types of gum disease. Perio Protect is excellent for the maintenance of healthy gums and bone after periodontal therapy and for patients with dental implants.



Dr. Duane Keller, tells your patients the importance of treating their gum disease to help prevent many systemic illnesses, and how the Perio Protect method very effectively controls the disease-causing bacteria at the source. Perio Protect therapy follows the American Medical Association guidelines and the American Association of Wound Care guidelines.

Run Time: 1 minute, 18 seconds

Download the clinical research pilot study where six patients with periodontal disease were treated with the Perio Protect Method and their Lp-PLA2 levels improved as their periodontal conditions improved. Measuring Lp-PLA2 blood levels evaluates a vascular specific inflammatory enzyme that participates in atherosclerotic plaque formation and plaque rupture and has been associated with a significant increased risk for heart attack and stroke if the Lp-PLA2 levels were greater than 200ng/ml.

Also, for more clinical research studies supporting the use of PerioProtect, go HERE.


Dr. Duane Keller, inventor of PerioProtect, talks about his innovative treatment to free up the immune response of the body to fight periodontal disease.

Run Time: 7 minute, 11 seconds


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