Pregnancy Associated Gingivitis Can Lead to Pre-Term Birth and Even Fetus Death
Dr. Yiping Han, Professor at Case Western Reserve University, visits with Dr. Mike Milligan at the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health 2nd Annual Scientific Session at the Cleveland Clinic. She discusses how mild pregnancy-associated gingivitis led to pre-term birth, and led to sudden fetus death at 39 weeks term. She urges women to get their gums healthy before and during pregnancy to avoid tragic complications for the fetus.
Case Western Reserve University created a video featuring Dr. Han’s research which can be used to educate your patients on this crucial area for pregnant mothers.
Run Time: 1 minute, 47 seconds
Also, Dr. Han has made available a research paper which she co-authored called “Transmission of an Uncultivated Bergeyella Strain from the Oral Cavity to Amniotic Fluid in a Case of Preterm Birth” which was published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 2006. You can download it her. e
Also, a link to an editorial by Dr. Han from a 2011 article in Women’s Health called “Can Oral Bacteria Cause Pregnancy Complications?” can be found here.