Dr. Brad Bale M.D. and Amy Doneen, MSN, ARNP, founders of the Bale/Doneen Method for preventing Heart Attacks, Strokes, and Type II Diabetes, teach physicians, dentists, and other healthcare providers all over the world. They even guarantee that if you follow their method, you will not get a Heart Attack …
View PostIn this short video Dr. Amy Doneen discusses the landmark research published in the British Medical Journal showing that 5 common bacteria in gum disease in the mouth are CAUSATIVE of cardiovascular disease - heart attacks and strokes. She tells you how to determine if you have these bacteria. Even …
View PostBelow is a link to an article Dr. Mike Milligan wrote to introduce healthcare providers and patients to several aspects of the Oral-Systemic Link. The Oral-Systemic Link - A Synopsis.pdf
View Post"Researchers at the University of Granada prove that the extent and severity of chronic periodontitis is directly related to the severity of myocardial infarction. This research published in the Journal of Dental Research surveyed 112 patients who had suffered from an acute case of myocardial infarction. These patients underwent a …
View PostDr. William Nordquist presents a talk on chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases. The diseases are thought to be caused from normal oral bacteria that have gotten out of balance. When spirochetes get to a large percentage of your oral bacterial, they cause periodontal disease and bone loss. Get the information …
View PostFrom a paper published in Cell Host and Microbe, a series of laboratory findings showed that fusobacteria, commonly found in the mouth, travels through the bloodstream and enriches colorectal cancer cells, a process mediated by the Fap2 protein’s ability to recognize a sugar called Gal-GalNAc. In the future, either …
View PostA few weeks ago the Internet and news media all over the US began reporting that there was “weak amount of evidence” supporting the idea that flossing teeth helped to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Almost all of these news reports, by organizations and journalists who you would think …
View PostA scientific study in Sweden demonstrated a direct link between gum disease bacteria and heart disease. Their research is the first to show a direct causal link between these bacteria and heart disease, and builds on the growing body of evidence linking gum disease bacteria to cardiac health conditions. The bacteria …
View PostDr. Doug Thompson is a general dentist who has been treating his patients from an oral-systemic approach for many years, and trains other dentists how to implement this discipline into their own dental practices. In this interview, Dr. Thompson describes …
View PostDr. Duane Keller, the inventor of Perio Protect, shows moderate gum disease is an open bleeding wound the size of the palm of your hand through which people grind bacteria into their blood stream every time they eat. By treating only gum disease, 29 of 32 people after 14 days had …
View PostOral bacteria and other pathogens cause gum disease, tooth decay, and all kinds of problems in the mouth, which can cause major problems in other parts of the body, too. In his first video with us, Dr. Tom Nabors introduces Oral DNA Labs, a company that brings salivary testing to …
View PostMouthwatchers is a tooth brush created by Dr. Ron Plotka, a practicing dentist. It is a revolutionary new line of manual and power toothbrushes which have the benefit of nano-silver bristles for unsurpassed anti-bacterial action. Within 6 hours after use, just sitting there in your cabinet, 99.7% of all microbes are destroyed …
View PostThe Public Library of Science has published a study which shows a direct relationship between some nerve damage to the optic nerve from Oral Pathogens. "Conclusions The above findings suggest that the oral microbiome contributes to glaucoma pathophysiology. A plausible mechanism by which increased bacterial loads can lead to neurodegeneration …
View PostDental Air Force is a household dental appliance that uses water and air for daily oral hygiene rather than toothbrushing. In this video, Dr. Piero, the Inventor of Dental Air Force, discusses the test results of using this device on various infectious bacteria in the mouth and its beneficial effects on fighting …
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