Dr. Lee Ostler is the President of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health. He shows how the immune system fights oral bacteria, causing inflammation and its resulting effects on other diseases such as heart disease and arthritis. It is a very clear and strong statement why there should be …
View PostIn an article published in September of 2013, Science Daily reported on a study conducted by a team of scientists from the European Union’s Gums and Joints project that uncovered how the bacterium responsible for periodontal disease worsens rheumatoid arthritis by leading to earlier onset, faster progression, and greater …
View PostDr. Garth Ehrlich, noted researcher on chronic bacterial infections and biofilms, talks to your patients about oral bacteria spreading to remote areas of the body and causing many systemic illnesses. Dr. Garth Ehrlich, expert researcher on chronic bacterial pathogenesis from Drexel …
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